Meghan McCain Says If Republicans are the “Party of QAnon” Then Democrats Are the Party of “Socialism and Late-Term Abortion”

Meghan McCain delivered a heated argument on this morning’s episode of The View in defense of her political party, but her comments left plenty of viewers scratching their heads. During today’s “Hot Topics” segment, McCain chimed in with her own views on cancel culture, abortion, and socialism in a conversation about Donald Trump’s impeachment acquittal, and ended her speech with an exasperated plea.

When asked by her co-host Whoopi Goldberg about her response to Trump’s acquittal, McCain explained that she had “a lot of different thoughts,” but launched into a comparison between the two parties. “I think it’s easy to say that the Republican party is only the party of QAnon and all these things,” she began. “If that’s the truth, then the Democratic party is the party of socialism, and late-term abortion, and cancel culture, and no responsibility or ramifications for any of your actions, and you can burn down cities like Kenosha and it’s fine…these are broad stroke platitudes.”

She continued, “I don’t believe either are true. I don’t think Republicans are simply QAnon supporters, I don’t think Democrats are simply socialists.” McCain then cautioned against shaming the “crazy, QAnon Trump supporters” into non-existence, citing recent polls showing high approval ratings for Trump, despite his second impeachment. “As much as the left wants to act like Republicans are only QAnon supporters, part of the problem is for someone like me, when I hear that I automatically get very tribal and I’m like, ‘Well, I don’t want the left,’ because for me I am the most intensely pro-life person that I know of, particularly on mainstream TV.

“I believe that abortion is murder, I believe that life begins at conception, and I know that the opposite party says that, ‘Oh, there’s some people that don’t agree with me, that think that it’s different, that abortions should happen up to late term,'” she continued. “So I think the idea that the Republican party is one swath, it’s just not nuanced, and the problem I have is, the only way to become a good Republican is to be become a Democrat, according to the media, and I don’t know what to do anymore, because I can’t keep coming on TV everyday saying that we’re all Nazis and you know, Hitler salutes and whatever. It’s just not intellectually honest.”

After McCain’s lengthy speech, Goldberg added her own impassioned take in response. “The Republicans have brought this on themselves. They’ve brought this view of them on themselves,” she said, adding, “You should be a little uncomfortable, because we sort of went through this and now we’re going to be going through it again. You brought this on yourself. You’re thought of this way because of what you’ve shown everybody.”

Watch Meghan McCain’s full speech in the clip above.

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