John Cleese Ridicules Transgender Rights And Comes To J.K. Rowling’s Defense

An 81-year-old John Cleese, who became famous for infuriated millions with his controversial Monty Python roles, is stirring the pot once again. In a tweetstorm on Sunday, the comedian defended J.K. Rowling and questioned aspects of transgender rights, ridiculing the concept.

“Deep down, I want to be a Cambodian police woman. Is that allowed, or am I being unrealistic?” Cleese tweeted in response to a respondent who questioned why he couldn’t “just let people be who they want to be.”

He later added, “I’m afraid I’m not that interested in trans folks.”

Cleese, who portrayed the character Nearly Headless Nick in the Harry Potter universe, earlier signed a letter in support of franchise author J.K. Rowling, who was recently under fire for similar transphobic comments.

Despite the Twitter backlash, Cleese would not back down. “When a woman who was once a man is competing against women who have always been women, I think she has an advantage, because she inherited a man’s body, which is usually bigger and stronger than a woman’s.

“Does that prove phobia?” he asked. You can check out Cleese’s flurry of questionable tweets below.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor