Katie Couric Details the 2004 Interview with Denzel Washington That Left Her “Shaken” and “Uncomfortable”

Katie Couric is a big fan of Denzel Washington, but their relationship has had its tense moments. In a new interview on Danny Pellegrino’s Everything Iconic podcast, Couric revealed that in 2004, she was left “shaken” by an interview with Washington, who went after her for asking about politics. The veteran newscaster told Pellegrino that Washington’s harsh reaction was “completely, weirdly uncalled for,” but she noted that he quickly made up for it by making a donation to her charity. Consider the Couric-Denzel beef squashed.

On a recent episode of Everything Iconic, Pellegrino asked Couric if she’s ever felt “bamboozled” by an interview subject. After taking a few moments to think, the veteran anchor revealed that her most cringeworthy moment may have been during a 2004 interview with Denzel Washington. “I had a very uncomfortable interview once with Denzel Washington about the remake of The Manchurian Candidate,” said Couric. “I think he totally misconstrued a question I asked and kind of jumped all over me, and it was so uncomfortable.”

Katie Couric’s interview with Denzel Washington may not have made waves at the time, but in hindsight, it’s clear how awkward it was. When the then-NBC reporter asked Washington about how “some people say Hollywood folks should stick to acting,” the Oscar winner insisted that he doesn’t “know what Hollywood folks are” and demanded to know if he’s one of them.

“Let me rephrase the question. Are you one of those people that—” said Couric. “Ah, there you go. Am I one of those people? Hmmm, isn’t that interesting?” replied Washington. After some tense back and forth, a petulant Washington said that he’s “a human being” whose “job is acting.”

Couric told Pellegrino that Washington is “one of [her] favorite actors,” but she still walked out of the interview “feeling really kind of shaken that he had gone after” her like that. However, she understands that Washington was probably just stressed out, and she has since forgive him.

“I think he must have been having a really bad day,” said Couric of Denzel Washington. “Because he later wrote a big check to my colon cancer organization, which I thought was super sweet.”

Listen to Katie Couric discuss her uncomfortable interview with Denzel Washington on Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino. You can read the entire Katie Couric-Denzel Washington interview on the NBC News website.

Where to stream The Manchurian Candidate