Meghan McCain Slams Trump’s Coronavirus Response: “Lead By Example!”

Meghan McCain has a harsh message for President Donald Trump: “Lead by example!” On Monday morning, the women of The View continued to discuss the coronavirus outbreak and the “mixed messaging” coming from the White House, which McCain insisted was “not only irresponsible, but downright dangerous.” The conservative co-host added that while she doesn’t enjoy “politicizing” the public health crisis, Trump’s ineffective plan has given her no other option. “It’s our job as citizens to call out B.S. when we see it,” said McCain.

While other daytime talk shows may be halting production due to coronavirus concerns, The View aired a live episode on Monday and will continue airing throughout the week. Of course, the viral COVID-19 outbreak was the episode’s main focus, and the co-hosts wasted no time before tearing into the Trump administration, which continued to release conflicting advice throughout the weekend. “This has been a total referendum on our distrust of our institutions,” said McCain. “There’s clearly a sheer distrust of the government I don’t think I even realized.”

“The mixed messaging coming out of the White House right now is not only irresponsible, but it’s downright dangerous,” aded McCain, pointing out that Trump “can’t even handle not shaking hands during a press conference” about the importance of social distancing. “Lead by example! I’m not seeing a lot of profiles in courage coming out of the White House right now.”

The entire panel agreed with McCain’s assessment of the situation, with the exception of ABC medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton. “We are in the middle of an emergency health crisis. Now is not the time for blame,” she said in the next segment. “Be careful when you point a finger because three are usually pointing back at you.”

Ashton’s warning didn’t sit well with McCain and Sunny Hostin, who rarely find themselves on the same side of any argument. “What’s disconcerting for me is the lack of testing,” said Hostin. “I also don’t like the idea of politicizing it in the sense that, ‘Oh, it’s all Republicans’ fault,’ or ‘Oh, it’s only Democrats’ fault,'” added McCain. “But it’s our job as citizens to call our B.S. when we see it.”

“I’m sorry, when you have people from the administration going on TV saying they don’t know if they’re going to have enough ventilators, we don’t know if our hospitals can handle it,” continued McCain, “It is more than fair to have righteous indignation as American citizens that I don’t believe they are handling it as good as they could be.”

“Yeah,” agreed Hostin. “Our government is failing us.”

Even ABC’s own medical correspondent isn’t safe from Meghan McCain’s wrath. Watch a portion of The View‘s coronavirus discussion in the clip above.

Where to stream The View