Meghan McCain and Pamela Anderson Square Off on ‘The View’

Pamela Anderson vs Meghan McCain is the face-off we deserve. This morning, Anderson stopped by The View for her first live interview since meeting with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and it was downright explosive. The Baywatch legend steadfastly defended Assange, who she said has “gone where no man has gone before” to “expose governments” and corruption. Almost immediately, McCain pushed back, saying that Assange is a “cyberterrorist” who has threatened U.S. security. “I’m not going to stand by this!” said the conservative co-host as she sparred with Anderson. “It’s ridiculous.”

Anderson has made headlines for her close relationship with Assange, so it was clear what The View‘s panel would ask about come Friday morning. Sunny Hostin wasted little time before bringing up the WikiLeaks founder, asking, “How is he doing?” Anderson explained that Assange isn’t doing too well, and “his health has really deteriorated” since he entered prison in the U.K. “He’s lost about 30 lbs since I saw him, and he was very thin at that point,” said the actress and model.

“He is the most resilient person I’ve ever met,” she continued. “It is devastating that people have fallen for the smear campaign, especially in America.” Anderson added that she hopes Assange “doesn’t get extradited,” as she doesn’t “think he’ll make it.” She explained, “I don’t think you’re protected in prison. Look at Epstein. I think there’s a lot of danger surrounding his life.”

After some back-and-forth with the other co-hosts, McCain finally chimed in to ask about Assange being “allegedly kicked out of the Ecuadorian embassy because he was defecating everywhere.” Anderson insisted that this story was “part of the smear campaign,” but McCain pushed on, saying that the “cyberterrorist” put “our national security” and “military” at risk. “How many people have the American government killed innocently, and how many has WikiLeaks?” asked Anderson. “The military has put many innocent lives at risk.”

A few minutes later, McCain and Anderson traded jabs again when the co-host asked about “spies who are putting themselves at risk for our national security.” Replied the actress, “There’s nothing proven that he’s actually put anybody at risk … I think that people like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning are heroes.” McCain practically exploded, saying, “Putin also thinks that.”

Anderson went on to say that Assange is committed to “justice, honesty,” and “exposing governments.” She explained, “His whole intention is to stop these senseless wars. Wars of business… A lot of people aren’t too happy with America and how they meddle in everyone’s business.” That was the final straw for McCain. “He’s a cyberterrorist!” she yelled. “I’m not going to stand by this. It’s ridiculous.”

Even by The View‘s standards, Pamela Anderson’s interview was full on bonkers (and that’s really saying something). Check out the discussion in the clips above.

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