Meghan McCain Shuts Down 9/11 Victims Fund Discussion: “Can We Not Make This So Partisan?”

After a relatively tame week, the women of The View came out swinging on Thursday morning. Things quickly got heated during a discussion about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund and Jon Stewart’s passionate speech defending the bill, which now heads to the Senate after unanimously passing in the House of Representatives. After Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin slammed Republican lawmakers for ignoring 9/11 victims — “Mitch McConnell is shameless,” said Behar — Meghan McCain exploded, saying, “Can we not make this so partisan?” Added McCain, “I have yet to hear any Republican anywhere who is not for the funding of this.”

For the second time this week, The View commended Stewart for standing up for 9/11 victims. “Jon, we want to make sure you get to the Senate floor and make your case to Mitch McConnell,” said moderator Whoopi Goldberg at the beginning of the segment. “This is one thing, no matter what your political beliefs are — it’s the one thing we can all agree on.” The panel went on to discuss why comedians’ political messages are often more powerful than other celebrities’ before turning back to the bill itself.

“Do you think at this point, there’s any way that the Senate would not pass this?” asked Hostin. “This is not about right and left. This is just about right and wrong.” Behar chimed in to say that it’s possible the Compensation Fund bill will fail in the Senate, as Majority Leader Mitch “McConnell is shameless.” She continued, “It’s about money. They don’t want to spend the money. McConnell said it’s too much money.” Guest co-host Ana Navarro added that there are plenty of “Republican voices from New York that could chime in and contribute to this,” and she cited Rudy Giuliani as one such example. “Ugh, he’s gone over to the dark side,” replied Behar.

“It’s just a funding issue. Republicans control the funding,” said Hostin in what appeared to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. “Can we not make this so partisan?” asked McCain, finally speaking up on the issue. “I have yet to hear any Republican anywhere — and that’s pretty much the only people I socialize with at this point — who is not for the funding of this. Let’s not make this partisan. It really is about America.”

Goldberg agreed and attempted to throw the show to commercial, but Behar wouldn’t go down without a fight. “We’re watching you, Mitch McConnell,” she added, right as the cameras started to pull back.

Watch The View‘s heated discussion in the clip above.

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