Here’s What Sun Is Saying in ‘Black Summer’

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From Narcos to its multi-language boxing drama Bayonet, Netflix is no stranger to embracing international content. However, one of Netflix’s latest releases, the zombie drama Black Summer, throws a new communication obstacle in the mix. Black Summer‘s most dynamic and interesting character is Sun (Christine Lee), a Korean woman who doesn’t speak English and who never receives a translation for viewers. There’s a very good reason why viewers don’t know what Sun is saying, but if you’ve been desperate to find a translation for her big speech, we have you covered.

Set during the beginning weeks of Z Nation‘s zombie apocalypse, Black Summer cuts between a handful of survivors, following their stories, one zombie chase at a time. The resulting show is an excellent reflection of fear and survival, and in the middle of it all stands a character none of the other survivors can understand. Ooh “Sun” Kyungsun, better known as “Sun,” is unapologetically awesome. She’s fire with a gun, smart enough to read a map that’s not in her primary language, so savvy she sees danger coming a mile away, and compassionate enough that she remains human without turning into zombie bait. She’s the survivor you’d want on your side if zombies actually took over the world, even if most Americans can’t understand what she’s saying.

Sun has become a fast favorite with fans of the show. But anyone who has tried to use Netflix to figure out what exactly she’s saying has been met by an unhelpful caption:

Sun in Black Summer
Photo: Netflix

According to Black Summer co-creator John Hyams, we’re not supposed to know what Sun is saying. The characters in this apocalyptic drama never know exactly what Sun is saying because the series follows a group of primarily English-speaking survivors in America. But even though no one knows exactly what words she’s using, they understand her. They know when she’s sad or alarmed or in pain.

Sun’s lack of translation stands as a commentary about the universal nature of communication. And for the most part, it works. Through context clues and pointed conversations, both Black Summer‘s characters and the viewers of this show understand what she’s saying without knowing much or any Korean. That even holds true in Sun’s big moment in Episode 7, “The Tunnel.”

As Rose (Jaime King), Spears (Justin Chu Cary), Velez (Sal Velez), and Lance (Kelsey Flower) are trapped underground, they start to reflect on their past and the futures they may never have. Each of them gives a little speech, but it’s Sun’s teary-eyed monologue that delivers the biggest punch to the gut. It’s a truly excellent performance by Lee filled with pathos and subtly. Though none of her allies know what she’s saying, they recognize her deep pain.

It’s a powerful moment that can stand on its own. However, once you learn the gentle story Sun is actually telling, her words hit even harder. Thanks to some translation help from my aunt’s cousin, I got to the bottom of what Sun is saying during her most emotional moment (Note: This is a rough translation, and the pauses in Sun’s speech have been removed for easier reading):

“At first there was nobody in the house. I was afraid to run away alone. Since then, I have been running away to survive. I think I’m getting farther from my mother every day. But… when I get home I know that my mom is waiting for me. And… when I look at my mom I feel sorry myself. It took too long to see her. And when we meet one day, we’ll have a delicious meal.”

Another translation of the speech on Reddit emphasized different elements. In this other translation, Sun starts by saying that she originally ran away because there wasn’t enough food to eat in the house she shared with her mother and that she wants to chitchat with her mom. But the main point is roughly the same. Sun regrets running away from her mother and is looking forward to a day when she can apologize and share a nice, normal meal with her.

Of course with a million zombies running around and attacking everything in sight, that’s not likely to happen. The bottom line is that Sun is the best part of Black Summer and everything is depressing in this survival drama. Enjoy!

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