Bill Maher Really Wants Democrats to ‘Grow a Pair’ And Appear On Fox News For Primarys

Last night on Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host took the opportunity to scold the DNC during his “New Rules” segment of the show for turning down Fox News as an outlet to host their 2020 presidential primary debates. Maher insisted that Democrats should “grow a pair” because they “look weak, running from a fight when they should be in there throwing punches.”

Maher noted that DNC chair Tom Perez claimed the decision to avoid Fox News was influenced by the recent New Yorker article emphasizing President Donald Trump’s close ties to the network, leading him to conclude the “network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates.”

Maher insisted this was a “terrible decision” and that the DNC’s reasoning is exactly why they should have agreed to do it. As the nation’s most-watched cable news network, 19% of all voters get their election coverage from Fox News, which is more than NBC, ABC and CBS combined. Maher scoffed, judging the party for claiming to be “the resistance” but not “fighting behind enemy lines.”

“You wanna be in the big leagues, but you refuse to ever play an away game? You don’t like the questions that Fox News might ask, so you’re deciding not to take any questions at all? How very Trump of you,” he said.

Maher added: “Republicans never shy away from coming on this show, and they come with a smile on their face despite knowing that the only people in the crowd cheering them on are the three campaign aides they brought with them… The audience is against them and they don’t care — it’s an opportunity to expose people to your side of the story.”

You can check out the clip above and catch Real Time With Bill Maher on Fridays at 10PM EST on HBO.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor