Alec Baldwin Can Barely Conceal His Disdain For Stephen Colbert

So much for the New York Times’ claim that the celebrity profile is dead. This morning, The Hollywood Reporter published an in-depth interview with Alec Baldwin that covers everything under the sun, including Trump, the #MeToo movement, his new ABC talk show, and more. There are plenty of jaw-dropping statement in the interview, but in one particularly jarring moment, Baldwin explains his very personal beef with The Late Show host Stephen Colbert, a man he clearly feels ins’t worthy of his time.

While Baldwin doesn’t come out and say that he hates Colbert, it’s apparent that he disdains the host’s intrusive brand of comedy. In the interview, Baldwin explains that during the promotional tour for his book, Nevertheless: A Memoir, in Spring 2017, he agreed to go on The Late Show to discuss the project. A few minutes into the interview, Colbert asked Baldwin about an incident in which he yelled at a paparazzi, and the actor got visibly uncomfortable. “Sometimes you seem like an angry guy. But you’re handsome, you’re extremely talented, you’re wealthy,” said Colbert. “What made you angry?”

Baldwin told a few innocent stories about paparazzi run-ins, but he was internally fuming. “I thought to myself, ‘Oh no, oh no, let’s not get into psychoanalyzing me, because I don’t think you’re qualified,'” Baldwin tells THR. “And you’ve just reminded me, in the briefest way, why I didn’t do the show all these years.” Ouch.

(The iciness begins at around the 2 minute mark in the clip above.)

Colbert isn’t the only person Baldwin rails against in his THR profile: the actor also has some not-so-nice words for Rose McGowan. In March, Baldwin said that he would be open to having the #MeToo champion on The Alec Baldwin Show despite the “long, steady piss” she’s taken on him in recent months. But now, he feels differently. “She’s a tragic front person for [the #MeToo] cause. And I say that because you don’t stand much of a chance of getting where you want to be if you’re going to arbitrarily alienate and excoriate innocent men,” says Baldwin. “It’s like all of a sudden, she’s one of the Crips — the head of her own gang.”

Will Baldwin continue to spew whatever is on his mind on The Alec Baldwin Show? Tune in Sunday, October 14 at 10/9c on ABC to find out.

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