‘Scott Pilgrim’ The Movie Is Great. Scott Pilgrim The Character Is a Total Fuckboy

The term fuckboy was not nearly as popular in 2010, the year Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was released, but the film’s central character, played by Michael Cera, is the true definition of the word. And now that the film is on Netflix, and the term fuckboy is very much in the pop culture vernacular, let’s explore.

In recent years, the ability to swipe on dating apps has given a certain kind of man, most often straight and white, a very false perception that they are exceptional specimens. They’re picky and commitment-phobic and can often be just plain rude. You know the kind of man that’s quick to label a woman as “basic” for enjoying a pumpkin spice latte? Yeah, they’re usually a total fuckboy. They’re teeming with insecurities yet still believe women should be lining up to date them. Which brings us to our pal Scott.

When we first meet Scott, he’s dating a much younger (typical), high-school gal named Knives (Ellen Wong), until of course he lays his eyes on Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Oh, then the whole world changes for him. He sidles up to her, and even though she is showing exactly zero signs welcoming him into a conversation let alone a relationship, he disregards basic human body language and communication skills and decides to pursue her in any way he can. Some might find this romantic, if they like Scott and the fellow fuckboys who appear to have a sensitive side, the same side that can quickly turn fiery and fussy when they aren’t getting their way. Others, those that have sworn off fuckboys for life, might also recognize some of Scott’s actions, including repeatedly manufacturing meet ups with a woman who isn’t interested, as creepy. But he seems sweet, which is how they get you.

Because poor little Knives has no idea the guy she’s head over heels for is pursuing another woman. He, of course, hardly has the decency, after being BEGGED by Wallace (Kieran Culkin) his roommate (which, that is a whole other story: get your own place, bro!) to be honest and end things with Knives. Scott can barely muster up the words to suggest they breakup, as he does a lot of stuttering and looking at his toes, while her sweet little heart breaks in front of him. This dude would’ve LOVED to just ghost her and move on to Ramona, a woman that it’s unclear if he actually, genuinely likes, or is purely intrigued by the fact that she has no interest in him and then the challenge that lies ahead of him in winning her heart.

So Scott begins to pursue Ramona, oh, when he’s not whimpering over his ex’s (Brie Larson) newfound fame or letting down his band members. But once Ramona fills him in on the whole defeating her seven evil exes plan, Scott gets all pissy that he has to earn his chance to be with her, a challenge that all true gentleman should, and would, accept. So as he attempts to prove that he’s as awesome as he likes to think he is to Ramona, he finds himself not bothering to worry about other people’s feelings, but instead focusing on the shagginess of his hair with an alarming frequency. And when he’s not too busy pulling on his wool hat, he’s sure to make Ramona, a grown ass woman, feel bad about having a romantic past and burdening him with having to work his way through it. How dare she.

Ultimately, in true fuckboy fashion, Scott does realize he’s been a dick, but it’s way too late in the game. While an alternative ending for the film was shot, he does end up with the woman he belongs with most, the moody Ramona. Knives was always way too good for him.

All that being said, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is an excellent, excellent movie that I will happily continue to rewatch, because for as much as Scott is a fuckboy, I am a basic.

There’s a reason why millions of people enjoy watching others play video games on streaming services such as Twitch, and that’s the same feeling this movie gives off. It’s consistently exciting, incredibly funny, and packed with a lot of heart, even if it’s not always coming from the direction of our main character. Scott may be the ultimate fuckboy, but at least he proves to be an entertaining one.

Now give us the Lucas Lee prequel the world deserves.

Where to stream Scott Pilgrim vs. The World