Seth Meyers Slams Kellyanne Conway For Al Franken Hypocrisy

Seth Meyers took a Closer Look at Sen. Al Franken’s resignation amid a growing number of sexual harassment allegations and 30+ Dem colleagues demanding his exit.

Maybe, when asked if more were coming after the first wave of women claiming he grabbed them during photo-taking or forced a kiss, Franken should not have told a reporter “I certainly hope not,” NBC’s Late Night host advised.

“Not an answer that inspires a lot of confidence,” he explained.

Franken’s Dem colleagues stampeded him Wednesday when a seventh woman said he tried to kiss her after taping of his radio show in 2006, and a former Dem Congressional staffer claimed Franken grabbed her waist during a photo pose and “squeezed twice.”

“Not only can you not do that to a woman you barely know, you can’t do that to your wife!” Meyers insisted.

Meanwhile, Republicans have fallen in line with a President accused by more than a dozen women of sexual harassment and assault, and a senatorial candidate accused by nine women including some who were underage at the time.

This should be a non-partisan issue, but many Republicans exploited Franken’s exit for political gain, while simultaneously refusing to denounce abusers in their own party, Meyers noted of Thursday’s festivities. Trump Whisperer Kellyanne Conway tweeted of New York Dem Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who led Wednesday’s charge to demand Franken’s ouster:

Today, she joins most Democrat Senators calling for photogenic @SenFranken to resign. Just yesterday, she wasn’t so sure.”

Meyers to Conway: “You work for a guy who’s been accused by more than 12 women of sexual harassment and assault!”

“Kellyanne Conway has so little awareness that when she walks by a mirror she thinks there’s stranger in her house,” he added.