John Oliver’s Back and Buying TV Ads to Hit Trump at Home

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Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

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This weekend brought back our beloved Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and as soon as that familiar jingle kicked off, it was clear how much we’ve needed our Hostus Mostus in the midst of all the chaos currently at work in the world. After acknowledging the absolute absurdity of The Young Pope, Oliver kicked off the show’s fourth season by rattling off a list of the terrible things that have happened over the last few months and saying what we’ve all been thinking: “…it’s gotten to the point where the most terrifying sound is your phone buzzing with a news alert.”

After admitting that the world in its current state has made him envy Eddie, the naive, fictional, likely deceased dog from Frasier and taking a long, uncomfortable look at how “Donald Trump Can’t Shake Hands Right”, Oliver dove into addressing the “concept of reality itself”. While “Trump’s a liar” is certainly not a hot take, this segment sought to answer four big questions about Trump’s track record of dishonesty, the first being “how did we get a pathological liar in the White House?”

The half-hour segment touched on Trump’s obsession with television (and getting his facts from cable news and sources like Breitbart), that famous Richard Gere rumor, Sean Spicer‘s defense of Trump’s “beliefs” over facts, and what our next steps are to combat this widespread deceit. Oliver’s first order of business? Buying TV ads (intended to enlighten Trump on the issues he’s proven himself in the dark about) that will air on the news channels he’s known to enjoy: “Just remember, Donald – if you don’t know, it’s okay to ask.”

While the situation at hand is definitely dire, we couldn’t be happier our “rat-faced bastard” voice of reason has returned. Can we start calling him “Johnny Trigger-Warning” now?

[Where to Stream Last Week Tonight with John Oliver]