Oscar Grouch: Decider’s Final Predictions For Oscar Night

The 2016 Academy Awards are less than a week away, which means that after months of guessing and speculating, we’ll finally find out who will win Oscar gold.

Before the nominations were announced in January, this was shaping up to be a particularly contentious Oscar race. 2015 saw an overabundance of great films being released in theaters, there was an avalanche of fantastic performances, and the only safe bet seemed to be Leonardo DiCaprio‘s inevitable Best Actor award. However, as the winter dragged on, and as actual Academy voters began to file rank behind their favorites, it became abundantly clear that the hugely divisive The Revenant was going to take home the major awards. Even though Spotlight carried most of the major momentum through the holidays and The Big Short was briefly considered a serious Dark Horse contender, The Revenant has steamrolled through the latter part of the Oscar season.

Two weeks ago, we were still on the fence. Despite its hype, we thought that far too many people disliked The Revenant for it to get the top prize. We still were clinging to mathematical equations that would split the vote and give the Oscar to Spotlight, The Big Short, or even Mad Max: Fury Road. But just as political pundits have to face the facts that Donald Trump is the frontrunner to snap up the Republican party presidential nomination, Oscar nerds need to admit to themselves that all signs point to this being The Revenant‘s year. As we told you last week: “Why have we been saying the two top awards of Oscar night are going to anything else but The Revenant? This is happening people. Just crawl inside your horse carcasses and accept it.”

But a big night for The Revenant isn’t necessarily going to be just a celebration of the grim survival epic; it’s also going to be a non-stop concert of adulation for Leonardo DiCaprio. Not only is he going to finally wrap his fingers around an Academy Award, but his film and director are poised to win, too. Adding to the excitement is our controversial prediction that Leo’s long-time best friend and best loved female co-star, Kate Winslet, may just upset Alicia Vikander to take the Best Supporting Actress Oscar.

Get ready to rename Oscar night “Leo Night.” It’s happening people. Embrace the mama bear trying to tear you to pieces and just go with it.

That said, here are Decider’s current predictions for who we think will win all six major categories — not who we think deserves to be — plus the most likely “dark horse.” Enter “The Oscar Grouch“:


Current Pick: The Revenant
Possible Dark Horse: The Big Short, Spotlight, or Mad Max: Fury Road.
What’s The Buzz? The Revenant is set to become the most polarizing (and worst reviewed) Best Picture winner in the last 25 years. While the film has emerged as the heavy favorite, any of the three dark horses mentioned could come from seemingly nowhere to elbow the behemoth out.


Current Pick: Alejandro G. Iñarritu (The Revenant)
Possible Dark Horse: George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road)
What’s The Buzz?: While it’s true that Mad Max: Fury Road is a directorial masterpiece and many people would be over-the-moon to see absurd auteur George Miller take home this prize, the general feeling is that Iñarritu has this one tied up. The director would be the first person to take home back-to-back Best Director awards and that chance to touch history could be enough to push some Oscar voters for The Revenant‘s mastermind.


Current Pick: Leonardo DiCaprio (The Revenant)
Possible Dark Horse: NO ONE
What’s The Buzz? This is Leonardo DiCaprio’s year, people. This is his time to shine. He was mauled by bear, crawled into an animal carcass, and acted his butt off to finally clench that long-awaited Oscar.


Current Pick: Brie Larson (Room)
Possible Dark Horse: Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn)
What’s The Buzz? Let’s face it: This is Brie Larson’s Oscar. The actress has been slaving away in relative anonymity for years and will finally be Hollywood’s golden girl. Not only has she nabbed pretty much every major award this season, but she has also pulled off a pitch perfect charm offensive.


Current Pick: Sylvester Stallone (Creed)
Possible Dark Horse: Mark Ruffalo (Spotlight)
What’s The Buzz? At this point, Sylvester Stallone is all-but-guaranteed the first Oscar of his storied career for resurrecting Rocky Balboa for a new generation.


Current Pick: Kate Winslet (Steve Jobs)
Possible Dark Horse: Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl)
What’s The Buzz?: This is our one big risky bet. While most experts and pundits seem to agree with all our other choices, we can’t help but to feel in our guts that Kate Winslet is going to sneak away with her second Academy Award. While we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Vikander win, Winslet has a little heat coming off of her with since she took home the Golden Globe and BAFTA. Add that to the fact that this is going to turn into a fete for Leonardo DiCaprio, and you can see why giving Winslet an Oscar is going to look good to many voters.

Of course, the Oscars are nothing if not a political game. Every week, new films are released, reviewed, and hyped by the Hollywood machine. And that means that every week, new frontrunners might emerge. The Oscar Grouch will be back every Monday to keep you updated on this year’s Oscar race.

Where To Stream The 2016 Oscar Contenders:

[Watch Beasts of No Nation on Netflix]
[Where To Stream Bridge of Spies]
[Where to Stream Creed]
[Where to Stream The Danish Girl]
[Where to Stream Mad Max: Fury Road]
[Where to Stream The Martian]
[Where to Stream Room]
[Where to Stream Spotlight]
[Where to Stream Steve Jobs]
[Where to Stream Trumbo]

[Photos: 20th Century Fox, Everett Collection]