Why Did Emma Watson Bring Up A Dead Hamster At An Awards Show?

It’s completely normal for movie stars to thank their agents, lovers, and lawyers when they win a major award, but why would Emma Watson dedicate an award to her dead hamster? Believe it or not, there’s a good reason. Well, sort of…

Watson recently received the extremely prestigious Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year and during her acceptance speech, she payed homage to how the British film industry has been a second family for her. She did this by becoming extremely verklempt as she remembered how her hamster, Millie, died during production of the first Harry Potter film. Evidently, the crew rallied around her during this difficult time for an eleven year old and built a custom coffin for Millie.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhkE9VlgxY]

The story is a bizarre mix of cute and macabre that only Watson could pull off. It kind of makes you want to rewatch the first Harry Potter to see if Watson displayed signs of grief. [Where To Stream Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.]

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